Clever Celery Juice Recipe

by Sahirenys Pierce
Celery Juice

When I first got introduced to juicing, the celery juice craze was at an all-time high. Bloggers, Podcasters, YouTubers, and Naturalists couldn’t stop raving about juicing celery. It literally sounded like the cure to “almost” everything lol. That’s when I started wondering if I even consume celery on a daily or weekly basis. The answer was no, heck no! That triggered my memory of the funniest celery joke of all time. Being something around the lines of  “celery taste like negative calories”. It’s true, it’s not an easy vegetable to consume and like most of us, I too tried to avoid eating celery. 

Celery Juice for Thyroid Disease

But once I got diagnosed with thyroid disease, I started researching healthy foods to help calm my thyroids. I found a lot of mixed information at first and eventually started focusing on what I ate to improve my health. Again celery was the top vegetables to consume to increase my overall health and thyroid levels. So, why not give it shot right?

Clever ways to hide the bitter taste of celery

So this clever celery juice is my attempt to outsmart the bitter taste of celery and create a juice that was tasty. I am glad to say that I accomplished my goal of a clever celery juice that tastes amazing and light. I want to share the secrete right now in plain English, you need to add sweet fruit to the juice to hide the bitter taste of the celery. Top fruit to mix with celery is apples, pineapple, grapes, and even lemon. All of these can help you create a tasty celery juice mix that will delight even your pickiest eater.


  • 1 bundle of celery
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 large apples or 4 small apples

Clever Celery Juice Recipe

  1. Cut the root of the celery and cut the apples into 6 slices
  2. Peel the lemon and cut into slices.
  3. Juice the softest fruit first and then the celery.
  4. Strain and save for up to 2-3 days max, but best to consume within 1-2 days.

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