Organizing your finances and lifestyle as a whole is no easy task. Luckily doing a Family All Hands Meeting once a month, has helped my husband and I find a …
Sahirenys Pierce
Sahirenys Pierce
I am a millennial mom of two living in San Diego, CA with my husband. I love watching comedies, baking, and taking photos of our children.
Running a household is no joke, but thankfully, with my bulk buy strategy, I can cross one thing off my never-ending to-do list. If you’re anything like me and want …
Ever since I started meal prepping over ten years ago, it has been a complete game changer. As a mom juggling a business and a household, having good systems isn’t …
You may know me as someone who talks about money, but what many people don’t know about me is that I struggle with Graves’ Disease. So when I say money …
Here are 4 money strategies to get better with your finances. From banking to even paying small bills off I share the tips that helped me get better with money.
The Soft-Savings Trend is Here! But first, let’s break it down because it’s piping hot tea into how Millennials and Gen Z really feel about their finances. The soft-savings trend …
Transforming your money mindset from pobrecita to mamacita is a wake-up call that you’re not moving forward the way you want to. Losing yourself and not being who you want …
Learn how to protect your finances during a bank collapse with these expert tips. Understand the human aspect, check for FDIC insurance, and diversify your banks. Read on for more.
Like so many households, including my own, saving money on your groceries has always been a massive expense. When you add inflation on top of that, it’s just getting worse. …
As the cost of goods continues soaring in price, figuring out how to bulk buy on a tight budget is becoming a challenge. In my IG stories, I often share …